The College Union
consists of two separate wings, one for the +3 Degree students and
the other for the +2 students. Students of +2 classes cann't take
part in all activities of the Union meant for the +3 Degree
Students. A Student can contest only once in his period of course
(+2 or +3).
+2 Election
For Office Bearer
(Single Opportunity to Contest)
1. Secretary
2. Asst. Secretary
3. Secretary, S.S.G.
4. Asst. Secretary, S.S.G.
5. Secretary Athletic Soc.
6. Asst. Secretary Athletic Soc.
7. Secretary Dramatic Soc.
8. Asst. Secretary, Dramatic Soc.
+2 Election
For Executive Post
(Double Opportunity to Contest)
1. Secretary, D.S.A.
2. Asst. Secretary, D.S.A.
+3 Election
For Office Office Bearer
(Single opportunity to Contest)
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Secretary
4. Asst. Secretary
5. Secretary, O.S.S.
6. Asst. Secretary, O.S.S.
7. Asst. Secretary Eng-Association
8. Asst. Secretary Eng - Association
9. Secretary, S.S.G.
10. Asst. Secretary, S.S.G.
11. Secretary, Planning Forum
12. Asst. Secretary, Planning Forum
13. Secretary, College Magazine
14. Asst. Secretary, College Magazine
15. Secretary, Athletic Club
16. Asst. Secretary, Athletic Club
17. Secretary, Dramatic Society
18. Asst. Secretary Dramatic Society
+3 Election for Executive Post
(Double opportunity to contest)
a) Class Representative
1. +3 1st Year Arts
2. +3 2nd Year Arts
3. +3 3rd Year Arts
4. +3 1st Year Science
5. +3 2nd Year Science
6. +3 3rd Year Science
7. +3 1st Year Commerce
8. +3 2nd Year Commerce
9. +3 3rd Year Commerce
b) Secretary, D.S.A.
c) Asst. Secretary, D.S.A
d) Secretary, Science Society
e) Asst. Secretary, Science Society
f) Secretary Boy's Common Room
g) Asst. Secretary Boys' Common Room
h) Secretary Girl's Common Room
i) Asst. Secretary Common Room
j) Women's Representative